Holy Week Schedule 2022
Our Holy Week schedule for 2022 has been published. We also have produced this small guide to the various services of Holy Week.
Monday, 7:30 p.m. Bridegroom Matins
Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Bridegroom Matins
In the Bridegroom Matins service, we are reminded of the need for watchfulness and preparation lest we be unprepared when we are called before the awesome judgment seat of Christ.
Wednesday, 10 a.m. Presanctified Liturgy
Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Holy Wednesday Evening with Unction
The mystery of holy unction provides both physical and spiritual healing with holy oil blessed by the Holy Spirit. All Orthodox in the parish in good ecclesiastical standing may be anointed with the holy oil for the healing of spiritual and bodily ills.
Thursday, 10 a.m. Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil the Great
Thursday, 7:00 p.m. Great and Holy Thursday Evening
Monday, 7:30 p.m. Bridegroom Matins
Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Bridegroom Matins
In the Bridegroom Matins service, we are reminded of the need for watchfulness and preparation lest we be unprepared when we are called before the awesome judgment seat of Christ.
Wednesday, 10 a.m. Presanctified Liturgy
Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Holy Wednesday Evening with Unction
The mystery of holy unction provides both physical and spiritual healing with holy oil blessed by the Holy Spirit. All Orthodox in the parish in good ecclesiastical standing may be anointed with the holy oil for the healing of spiritual and bodily ills.
Thursday, 10 a.m. Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil the Great
Thursday, 7:00 p.m. Great and Holy Thursday Evening
On Thursday evening, we have the service of the 12 Gospel Readings which relate the events of Jesus’ Holy Passion, and His last instructions to the Disciples.
Friday, 9 a.m. Royal Hours of Pascha
Friday, 12 p.m. Descent from the Cross Vespers
Friday, 7:30 p.m. Lamentations at the Tomb
On Friday night, the Matins of Holy and Great Saturday, a unique service known as the The Lamentations at the Tomb (Epitáphios Thrēnos) is celebrated, including the procession of the epitaphios.
Saturday, 10 a.m. Holy Saturday Liturgy
Saturday, 11 p.m. Nocturns, Vigil and Paschal Liturgy
On Saturday evening, we hold a Vigil for the coming of Pascha at midnight. At midnight in a darkened church, the faithful receive the resurrection light from the priest and form a procession out of the church. The congregation hears the good news of Christ’s triumph from the Gospel. The joyous hymn of Christ’s resurrection is triumphantly chanted — “Christ is risen – Christos Anesti”. We serve the Paschal Divine Liturgy and the break the fast with a post-Liturgy meal. Bring your Pascha baskets! There is no Sunday morning service!
Sunday, 4:30 p.m. Agape Vespers